They are all competing for the same thing: YOUR TIME!

  • In today's era of online saturation, not only brands are trying to capture the attention of users; people are also sharing their daily experiences, seeking validation in an ever-changing and demanding world. Social media offers us free access to a hyper-connected and addictive world, but without realizing it, also a hyper-demanding one.

When something is free, we probably pay for it in another way. In social networks, we pay for it with our time. CEOs of big brands know that time is more valuable than money: you can make more money, but you can never buy more time.

This leads us to reflect: Is it really worth posting so many times a day just to feed algorithms designed to capture users' attention, competing not only with big brands, but also with our own time?

Creating a personal brand can be an excellent idea when you really bring value in a specific area based on your experiences and knowledge. But posting every day without a plan, strategy or real value, just telling your day to day life, that won't get you anywhere. "There is no fair wind for him who does not know where he is going" - Seneca.

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At Estudio JPG we notice a growing uncertainty in the first meetings with clients. Many companies are confusing the purpose of their presence in social networks, believing that the solution is in the quantity of publications and not in the quality they provide. With the advent of AI tools, many people think they have everything solved and recommend "magic" solutions without the necessary knowledge to analyze what is really the problem to be solved.

At Estudio JPG we use AI tools in several areas of the company, but this does not mean that we stop analyzing and understanding the communication issues of our clients. We know that brands with real purposes survive over passing and commercial ones. In the long run, an authentic value proposition always triumphs over ephemeral and fleeting brands. Some of these brands have managed to transcend over time: Löwenbräu, Stella Artois, Peugeot, Quaker Oats, Heinz, Nestlé, Cadbury, Dunlop, Adidas and Puma. These brands have endured thanks to a real purpose, a long-term vision and a unique strategy. This is the key to building a strong, lasting and scalable brand. At Estudio JPG we always say: "We don't make image, we create identity".
