Branding & Site web

Branding & Site web

SILA S.R.L. is a company whose purpose is to offer solutions and services for measurement, instrumentation, automation and control of industrial processes.


Branding & Site web

Development and innovation for the industry are the main axes behind the brand image developed. Starting from the designed isologotype, we proposed a visual identity system where we stipulated the different applications of its brand in internal and external communications, merchandising, labeling in offices, vehicles and publications in general.

Branding & Site web

In 2015, when expanding its physical space, we designed a new brand image system, starting with the application of its new LED corporeal signage, micro-perforated in fronts, signage and corporeal (exterior/interior) complementing with other pieces of its branding.

Branding & Site web

Following the initial concepts, we developed a new brand application system with the objective of exploiting to the maximum the characteristics of their branding, always being faithful to the message of innovation and original development.